
// 简称: CL_Traffic_Jam_L
// 名称: 基于DMI中ADX的震荡交易系统多 
// 类别: 公式应用
// 类型: 内建应用
// 策略说明:
//			 本策略基于DMI指标中的ADX指数判断行情是否为震荡, 然后通过k线形态进行逆势交易的系统
// 系统要素:
//			 1. DMI指标中的ADX指数
//			 2. ConsecBars根阴线(收盘低于前根即可)或ConsecBars根阳线(收盘高于前根即可)
// 入场条件:
//			 当ADX指数低于25且低于ADXLowThanBefore天前的值时
//			 1. 如果出现连续ConsecBars根阴线(收盘低于前根即可), 则在下根k线开盘做多
//			 2. 如果出现连续ConsecBars根阳线(收盘高于前根即可), 则在下根k线开盘做空
// 出场条件: 
//			 1. 基于ATR的保护性止损
//			 2. 入场ProactiveStopBars根K线后的主动性平仓
//		 注: 当前策略仅为做多系统, 如需做空, 请参见CL_Traffic_Jam_S

    Numeric DMI_N(14);					//DMI的N值
    Numeric DMI_M(6);					//DMI的M值, 本策略中用不到
	Numeric ADXLevel(25);				//ADX低于此值时被认为行情处于震荡中
	Numeric ADXLowThanBefore(3);		//入场条件中ADX需要弱于之前值的天数
	Numeric ConsecBars(3);				//入场条件中连续阳线或阴线的个数
    Numeric ATRLength(10);				//ATR值
	Numeric ProtectStopATRMulti(0.5);		//保护性止损的ATR乘数
	Numeric ProactiveStopBars(10);		//入场后主动平仓的等待根数
	NumericSeries oDMIPlus;
	NumericSeries oDMIMinus;
	NumericSeries oDMI;
	NumericSeries oADX;
	NumericSeries oADXR;
	NumericSeries oVolty;
	NumericSeries sDMI;
	NumericSeries sADX;
	NumericSeries cumm;
	NumericSeries sVolty;
	Numeric PlusDM;
	Numeric MinusDM;
	Numeric UpperMove;
	Numeric LowerMove;
	Numeric SumPlusDM(0);
	Numeric SumMinusDM(0);
	Numeric SumTR(0);
	NumericSeries AvgPlusDM;
	NumericSeries AvgMinusDM;
	Numeric SF;                        // smoothing factor
	Numeric Divisor;
	Numeric i;
	NumericSeries TRValue;


	NumericSeries ATR(0);				//ATR值

	NumericSeries ConsecBarsCount(0);	//连续阳线或阴线计数
	NumericSeries ProtectStopL;			//基于ATR的保护性止损

	NumericSeries MP;					//MarketPosition的状态记录

	// 集合竞价和小节休息过滤
	If(!CallAuctionFilter()) Return;
	//DMI指标计算, 最终将输出ADX指标
	SF = 1/DMI_N;
	TRValue = TrueRange; 
	If(CurrentBar == DMI_N)
			for i = 0 To DMI_N - 1
					PlusDM = 0 ;
					MinusDM = 0 ;
					UpperMove = High[i] - High[ i + 1 ] ;
					LowerMove = Low[ i + 1 ] - Low[i] ;
					if (UpperMove > LowerMove and UpperMove > 0 )
							PlusDM = UpperMove;
					}else if (LowerMove > UpperMove and LowerMove > 0)
							MinusDM = LowerMove ;
					SumPlusDM = SumPlusDM + PlusDM ;
					SumMinusDM = SumMinusDM + MinusDM ;
					SumTR = SumTR + TRValue[i] ;
			AvgPlusDM = SumPlusDM / DMI_N ;
			AvgMinusDM = SumMinusDM / DMI_N ;
			sVolty = SumTR / DMI_N ;
	}Else if(CurrentBar > DMI_N)
			PlusDM = 0 ;
			MinusDM = 0 ; 
			UpperMove = High - High[1] ;
			LowerMove = Low[1] -Low ;
			if (UpperMove > LowerMove and UpperMove > 0 )
					PlusDM = UpperMove;
			}else if (LowerMove > UpperMove and LowerMove > 0 )
					MinusDM = LowerMove ;
			AvgPlusDM = AvgPlusDM[1] + SF * ( PlusDM - AvgPlusDM[1] ) ;
			AvgMinusDM = AvgMinusDM[1] + SF * ( MinusDM - AvgMinusDM[1] ) ;
			sVolty = sVolty[1] + SF * ( TRValue  - sVolty[1] ) ;
			oDMIPlus = InvalidNumeric;
			oDMIMinus = InvalidNumeric;
			oDMI = InvalidNumeric;
			oADX = InvalidNumeric;
			oADXR = InvalidNumeric;
			oVolty = InvalidNumeric;
	if (sVolty > 0)
			oDMIPlus = 100 * AvgPlusDM / sVolty ;
			oDMIMinus = 100 * AvgMinusDM / sVolty ;
			oDMIPlus = 0 ;
			oDMIMinus = 0 ;

	Divisor = oDMIPlus + oDMIMinus ;
	if (Divisor > 0)
			sDMI = 100 * Abs( oDMIPlus - oDMIMinus ) / Divisor;
			sDMI = 0 ;
	cumm=Cum( sDMI );
	if(CurrentBar > 0)
			if (CurrentBar <= DMI_N)
					sADX = Cumm / CurrentBar ;
					oADXR = ( sADX + sADX[ CurrentBar - 1 ] ) * 0.5 ;
					sADX = sADX[1] + SF * ( sDMI - sADX[1] ) ;
					oADXR = ( sADX + sADX[ DMI_M - 1 ] ) * 0.5 ;
	oVolty = sVolty;
	oDMI = sDMI;
	oADX = sADX;

	ATR = AvgTrueRange(ATRLength);	
	//当ADX指数低于25且低于ADXLowThanBefore天前的值时, 如果出现连续ConsecBars根阴线(收盘低于前根即可), 则在下根k线开盘做多
	ConsecBarsCount = CountIf(Close < Close[1], ConsecBars);
	If(MarketPosition<>1 and CurrentBar > DMI_N)
		if(oADX[1] < ADXLevel and oADX[1] < oADX[ADXLowThanBefore+1] and ConsecBarsCount[1] == ConsecBars And Vol > 0)
			ProtectStopL = Low[1] - ProtectStopATRMulti * ATR[1];
	If(MarketPosition == 1 and mp[1] == 1 And Vol > 0)
		If(BarsSinceEntry >= ProactiveStopBars)
		Else if(L <= ProtectStopL[1])
			Sell(0,Min(Open, ProtectStopL[1]));


	MP = MarketPosition;	


// 编译版本	GS2014.10.25
// 版权所有	TradeBlazer Software 2003-2014
// 更改声明	TradeBlazer Software保留对TradeBlazer平
//			台每一版本的TradeBlazer公式修改和重写的权利
// 简称: CL_Traffic_Jam_S
// 名称: 基于DMI中ADX的震荡交易系统空 
// 类别: 公式应用
// 类型: 内建应用
// 策略说明:
//			 本策略基于DMI指标中的ADX指数判断行情是否为震荡, 然后通过k线形态进行逆势交易的系统
// 系统要素:
//			 1. DMI指标中的ADX指数
//			 2. ConsecBars根阴线(收盘低于前根即可)或ConsecBars根阳线(收盘高于前根即可)
// 入场条件:
//			 当ADX指数低于25且低于ADXLowThanBefore天前的值时
//			 1. 如果出现连续ConsecBars根阴线(收盘低于前根即可), 则在下根k线开盘做多
//			 2. 如果出现连续ConsecBars根阳线(收盘高于前根即可), 则在下根k线开盘做空
// 出场条件: 
//			 1. 基于ATR的保护性止损
//			 2. 入场ProactiveStopBars根K线后的主动性平仓
//		 注: 当前策略仅为做空系统, 如需做多, 请参见CL_Traffic_Jam_L

    Numeric DMI_N(14);					//DMI的N值
    Numeric DMI_M(6);					//DMI的M值, 本策略中用不到
	Numeric ADXLevel(25);				//ADX低于此值时被认为行情处于震荡中
	Numeric ADXLowThanBefore(3);		//入场条件中ADX需要弱于之前值的天数
	Numeric ConsecBars(3);				//入场条件中连续阳线或阴线的个数
    Numeric ATRLength(10);				//ATR值
	Numeric ProtectStopATRMulti(0.5);		//保护性止损的ATR乘数
	Numeric ProactiveStopBars(10);		//入场后主动平仓的等待根数
	NumericSeries oDMIPlus;
	NumericSeries oDMIMinus;
	NumericSeries oDMI;
	NumericSeries oADX;
	NumericSeries oADXR;
	NumericSeries oVolty;
	NumericSeries sDMI;
	NumericSeries sADX;
	NumericSeries cumm;
	NumericSeries sVolty;
	Numeric PlusDM;
	Numeric MinusDM;
	Numeric UpperMove;
	Numeric LowerMove;
	Numeric SumPlusDM(0);
	Numeric SumMinusDM(0);
	Numeric SumTR(0);
	NumericSeries AvgPlusDM;
	NumericSeries AvgMinusDM;
	Numeric SF;                        // smoothing factor
	Numeric Divisor;
	Numeric i;
	NumericSeries TRValue;


	NumericSeries ATR(0);				//ATR值

	NumericSeries ConsecBarsCount(0);	//连续阳线或阴线计数
	NumericSeries ProtectStopS;			//基于ATR的保护性止损

	NumericSeries MP;					//MarketPosition的状态记录

	// 集合竞价和小节休息过滤
	If(!CallAuctionFilter()) Return;

	//DMI指标计算, 最终将输出ADX指标
	SF = 1/DMI_N;
	TRValue = TrueRange; 
	If(CurrentBar == DMI_N)
			for i = 0 To DMI_N - 1
					PlusDM = 0 ;
					MinusDM = 0 ;
					UpperMove = High[i] - High[ i + 1 ] ;
					LowerMove = Low[ i + 1 ] - Low[i] ;
					if (UpperMove > LowerMove and UpperMove > 0 )
							PlusDM = UpperMove;
					}else if (LowerMove > UpperMove and LowerMove > 0)
							MinusDM = LowerMove ;
					SumPlusDM = SumPlusDM + PlusDM ;
					SumMinusDM = SumMinusDM + MinusDM ;
					SumTR = SumTR + TRValue[i] ;
			AvgPlusDM = SumPlusDM / DMI_N ;
			AvgMinusDM = SumMinusDM / DMI_N ;
			sVolty = SumTR / DMI_N ;
	}Else if(CurrentBar > DMI_N)
			PlusDM = 0 ;
			MinusDM = 0 ; 
			UpperMove = High - High[1] ;
			LowerMove = Low[1] -Low ;
			if (UpperMove > LowerMove and UpperMove > 0 )
					PlusDM = UpperMove;
			}else if (LowerMove > UpperMove and LowerMove > 0 )
					MinusDM = LowerMove ;
			AvgPlusDM = AvgPlusDM[1] + SF * ( PlusDM - AvgPlusDM[1] ) ;
			AvgMinusDM = AvgMinusDM[1] + SF * ( MinusDM - AvgMinusDM[1] ) ;
			sVolty = sVolty[1] + SF * ( TRValue  - sVolty[1] ) ;
			oDMIPlus = InvalidNumeric;
			oDMIMinus = InvalidNumeric;
			oDMI = InvalidNumeric;
			oADX = InvalidNumeric;
			oADXR = InvalidNumeric;
			oVolty = InvalidNumeric;
	if (sVolty > 0)
			oDMIPlus = 100 * AvgPlusDM / sVolty ;
			oDMIMinus = 100 * AvgMinusDM / sVolty ;
			oDMIPlus = 0 ;
			oDMIMinus = 0 ;

	Divisor = oDMIPlus + oDMIMinus ;
	if (Divisor > 0)
			sDMI = 100 * Abs( oDMIPlus - oDMIMinus ) / Divisor;
			sDMI = 0 ;
	cumm=Cum( sDMI );
	if(CurrentBar > 0)
			if (CurrentBar <= DMI_N)
					sADX = Cumm / CurrentBar ;
					oADXR = ( sADX + sADX[ CurrentBar - 1 ] ) * 0.5 ;
					sADX = sADX[1] + SF * ( sDMI - sADX[1] ) ;
					oADXR = ( sADX + sADX[ DMI_M - 1 ] ) * 0.5 ;
	oVolty = sVolty;
	oDMI = sDMI;
	oADX = sADX;

	ATR = AvgTrueRange(ATRLength);	
	//当ADX指数低于25且低于ADXLowThanBefore天前的值时, 如果出现连续ConsecBars根阳线(收盘高于前根即可), 则在下根k线开盘做空
	ConsecBarsCount = CountIf(Close > Close[1], ConsecBars);
	If(MarketPosition<>-1 and CurrentBar > DMI_N)
		if(oADX[1] < ADXLevel and oADX[1] < oADX[ADXLowThanBefore+1] and ConsecBarsCount[1] == ConsecBars And Vol > 0)
			ProtectStopS = High[1] + ProtectStopATRMulti * ATR[1];

	If(MarketPosition == -1 and mp[1] == -1 And Vol > 0)
		If(BarsSinceEntry >= ProactiveStopBars)
		Else if(H >= ProtectStopS[1])
			BuyToCover(0,Max(Open, ProtectStopS[1]));


	MP = MarketPosition;	


// 编译版本	GS2014.10.25
// 版权所有	TradeBlazer Software 2003-2014
// 更改声明	TradeBlazer Software保留对TradeBlazer平
//			台每一版本的TradeBlazer公式修改和重写的权利
