UE-OE在读同学群上传文章汇总 – 欧菲博客


2020年11月30日上传:Nat. Commun.-2020-Epitaxial nucleation and lateral growth of highcrystallineblack phosphorus films on silicon

J Phys Chem Solids-2019-Detection of HF and H2S with pristine and Ti-embedded twin graphene Adensity functional theory study

2020年12月7日上传:J Comput Electron-2008-Atomistic non-equilibrium Green’s function simulationsof Graphene nano-ribbons in the quantum hall regime

Adv. Nat. Sci-2014-Non-equilibrium Green function methodtheory and application in simulation ofnanometer electronic devices

2020年12月14日:MAT SCI ENG R-2017-Two-dimensional black phosphorus Synthesis, modification,properties, and applications

Nano Lett -2020-Black Phosphorus Degradation Favors Lubrication

2020年12月21日:Adv. Opt. Photonics-2016-Optical properties of black phosphorous

Solid State Electron-2018-Graphene black phosphorus heterostructured photodetector

2020年12月28日:Nature Photon.-2013-Mid-infrared plasmons in scaled graphene nanostructures

ACS Photonics-2019-In Situ Fabrication of 2D WS2Si Type-II Heterojunction for Self-Powered Broadband Photodetector with Response up to Mid-Infrared

2020年1月日:Small-2019-Optical and Optoelectronic Properties of Black Phosphorusand Recent Photonic and Optoelectronic Applications

OE-2018-Nanophotonics with 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

2021年3月15日:OPT MATER EXPRESS-2020-Efficient room-temperature terahertz detection via bolometric and photothermoelectric effects in EuBiTe3 crystal

SCI REP-UK-2016-Efficient Terahertz detection in black-phosphorus nano-transistors with selective and controllable plasma-wave, bolometric and thermoelectric response

2021年3月22日:ACS APPL MATER INTERACS-2017-New Method to Determine the Schottky Barrier in Few-Layer Black

J PHYS SOC JPN-2009-Optical Determination of Dielectric Constant in Black Phosphorous

2021年3月29日:J PHYS CHEM LETT-2015-Black Phosphorus Narrow Gap, Wide Applications

AM-2018-Quasi-Monolayer Black Phosphorus with High Mobility and Air Stability

2021年4月6日:Nano Lett. -2017- Resolving the Spatial Structures of Bound Hole States in Black Phoshporous

Phys. Rev. B-2016-Mobility anisotropy in monolayer black phosphorus due to charged impurities

2021年4月12日:ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces-2017-Infrared Black Phosphorus Phototransistor with Tunable Responsivity and Low Noise Equivalent Power

Near-Infrared Photodetector-2016-Near-Infrared Photodetector Based on MoS2/Black Phosphorus

2021年4月19日:IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS-2015-A Small Signal Amplifier Based on Ionic LiquidGated Black Phosphorous Field Effect Transistor

Sci. Rep.-2015-Theoretical predictions on theelectronic structure and chargecarrier mobility in 2D Phosphorussheets

2021年4月26日:ACS APPL MATER INTER-2021-An Artificial Electrical-Chemical Mixed Synapse Based on Ion-Gated

SCI ADV-2021-Long-lived charge separation following pump-wavelength–dependent ultrafast charge transfer in graphene/WS2 heterostructures
