在cumec PDK中版图过程中,有一些层目前还没有解释,例如VTNL和VTPL以及VPO层,我们先用smic18 PDK做下去。
我们先做一个简单的单n管版图,在redhat虚拟机中的位置时mems/test_std_cell,注意要按Q键调出Edit Instance Properties页面,Parameter选项卡,Bodytie Tie这里选择Detached,然后将B极调出来。GND与B极用M1连接起来如下图所示。连接完成后按L键打标。之后做DRC,LVS。DRC很简单这里就不多说了,LVS要提前将原理图在CID窗口中以cdl格式以analog模式导出,文件的后缀一般写.src.net。在启动nmLVS界面后,Layout面板可以直接Export from layout viewer。运行完LVS后,可以进行PEX。



PEX Run Directory选择一个干净的目录,将上面的.src.net放进去。



接下来创建名为test_std_cell_inv的cell。经过上面的探索,我们现在可以步子迈得大一些。首先建立空白目录*/calibre_run/test_std_cell_inv/pex,在CIW导出CDL格式的src.net文件到该目录下。打开Calibre PEX,在Rules页面填入以下内容



接下来即可进行Run PEX的操作,操作完成后,可以把操作过程存储为Runset文件,我们这次的操作过程的Runset文件如下:
*pexRulesFile: /home/IC/Documents/jingying/SMIC_PDK018MS/smic18_1P7M/Calibre/xrc/Calibre/SmicSP12R_cal018_epm_sali_p2mtx_18335155_copy.lvs_XRC
*pexRulesFileLastLoad: 1671325983
*pexRunDir: /home/IC/Documents/jingying/SMIC_PDK018MS/smic18_1P7M/calibre_run/test_std_cell_inv/pex
*pexLayoutPaths: test_std_cell_inv.calibre.db
*pexLayoutPrimary: test_std_cell_inv
*pexLayoutLibrary: mems
*pexLayoutView: layout
*pexLayoutGetFromViewer: 1
*pexSourcePath: test_std_cell_inv.src.net
*pexSourcePrimary: test_std_cell_inv
*pexSourceLibrary: mems
*pexSourceView: schematic
*pexPexTopLevelExcludeNetsValue: VSS
*pexPexGroundName: 1
*pexPexGroundNameValue: VSS
*pexResistanceParameters: 1
*pexResistanceParametersValue: {gppoly TC1 0.00292 TC2 -2.3e-08} {metal1 TC1 0.00349 TC2 6.93e-07} {metal2 TC1 0.0036 TC2 7.6e-07} {metal3 TC1 0.0036 TC2 7.6e-07} {metal4 TC1 0.0036 TC2 7.6e-07} {metal5a TC1 0.0036 TC2 7.6e-07} {metal6 TC1 0.00389 TC2 1.01e-06} {gtpoly TC1 0.00292 TC2 -2.3e-08}
*pexPowerNames: VDD SAVDD? ?VDD? ?VCC? ?vcc? ?vdd?
*pexGroundNames: VSS SAVSS? ?GND? ?VSS? ?vss? ?gnd?
*pexReportFile: test_std_cell_inv.lvs.report
*pexPexNetlistFile: test_std_cell_inv.pex.netlist
*pexPexNetlistFormat: HSPICE
*pexPexNetlistNameSource: LAYOUTNAMES
*pexPexReport: 1
*pexPexReportFile: test_std_cell_inv.pex.report
*pexReportOptions: A B C D S
*pexLayoutDeviceFilterOptions: AB RC RE RG
*pexSourceDeviceFilterOptions: AB RC RE RG
*pexRecognizeGates: NONE
*cmnVConnectColon: 1
*cmnUseCBforRVE: 0
*cmnRunHier: 2
*cmnSlaveHosts: {use {}} {hostName {}} {cpuCount {}} {a32a64 {}} {rsh {}} {maxMem {}} {workingDir {}} {layerDir {}} {mgcLibPath {}} {launchName {}}
*cmnLSFSlaveTbl: {use 1} {totalCpus 1} {minCpus 1} {architecture {{}}} {minMemory {{}}} {resourceOptions {{}}} {submitOptions {{}}}
*cmnGridSlaveTbl: {use 1} {totalCpus 1} {minCpus 1} {architecture {{}}} {minMemory {{}}} {resourceOptions {{}}} {submitOptions {{}}}
*cmnFDILayoutLibrary: mems
*cmnFDILayoutView: layout
*cmnFDIDEFLayoutPath: test_std_cell_inv.def
*cmnTraceProperties: {1 { MN(N18E2R) "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { MN(N18E2R) "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { MN(NZ18E2R) "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { MN(NZ18E2R) "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { MP(P18E2R) "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { MP(P18E2R) "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { MN(N33E2R) "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { MN(N33E2R) "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { MP(P33E2R) "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { MP(P33E2R) "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { MN(N50E2R) "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { MN(N50E2R) "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { MP(P50E2R) "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { MP(P50E2R) "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { MN(NZ50E2R) "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { MN(NZ50E2R) "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { MN(N155E2R) "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { MN(N155E2R) "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { MN(NZ155E2R) "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { MN(NZ155E2R) "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { MP(P155E2R) "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { MP(P155E2R) "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { MN(N18D) "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { MN(N18D) "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { MN(N18H) "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { MN(N18H) "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { MN(NSG) "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { MN(NSG) "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { MN(NCG) "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { MN(NCG) "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { pvar18e2r_ckt "WR" "WR" 5 5}} {1 { pvar18e2r_ckt "LR" "LR" 5 5}} {1 { pvar18e2r_ckt "NF" "NF" 0 0}} {1 { Q(PNP18A4E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { Q(PNP18A25E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { Q(PNP18A100E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { Q(PNP33A4E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { Q(PNP33A25E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { Q(PNP33A100E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { D(PDIO18E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { D(PDIO33E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { D(PDIO50E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { D(PDIO155E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { D(NDIO18E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { D(NDIO33E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { D(NDIO50E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { D(NDIO155E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { D(NZDIO50E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { D(NZDIO155E2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { D(NWDIOE2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { D(DNWDIOE2R) "A" "A" 5 5}} {1 { C(CGTTOW) "C" "C" 5 5}} {1 { pipe2r_ckt "C" "C" 5 5}} {1 { mime2r_ckt "LR" "LR" 5 5}} {1 { mime2r_ckt "WR" "WR" 5 5}} {1 { R(RPGT) "R" "R" 5 5}} {1 { R(RNGTSAB) "R" "R" 5 5}} {1 { R(RPGTSAB) "R" "R" 5 5}} {1 { R(RNCGSAB) "R" "R" 5 5}} {1 { rndif_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rndif_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rpdif_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rpdif_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rnpo_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rnpo_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rnpo_3t_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rnpo_3t_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rppo_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rppo_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rppo_3t_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rppo_3t_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rnwaa_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rnwaa_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rnwsti_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rnwsti_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rndifsab_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rndifsab_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rpdifsab_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rpdifsab_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rnposab_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rnposab_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rnposab_3t_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rnposab_3t_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rpposab_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rpposab_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rpposab_3t_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rpposab_3t_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rhrpo_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rhrpo_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rhrpo_3t_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rhrpo_3t_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { rtimsabe2r_ckt "W" "W" 5 5}} {1 { rtimsabe2r_ckt "L" "L" 5 5}} {1 { R(RM1) "R" "R" 5 5}} {1 { R(RM2) "R" "R" 5 5}} {1 { R(RM3) "R" "R" 5 5}} {1 { R(RM4) "R" "R" 5 5}} {1 { R(RM5) "R" "R" 5 5}} {1 { R(RM6) "R" "R" 5 5}}
1. extrat all files to a directory
2. execute siliconsmart at the directory
3. in siliconsmart> promt, enter the below lines one by one
4. the new lib is created at my_library/models dir
create my_library
cp configure.tcl my_library/config/
set_location my_library
import -liberty orig/lib/netlist.lib -netlist_dir orig/netlists -ext .cdl -overwrite -use_default_slews
configure -timing -power all
characterize all
model -create_new_model -file my_library/models/netlist.lib all -library_type typ
# See SiliconSmart User Guide Appendix B for a complete list of parameters and definitions
# Create one or more operation conditions here. Example:
create_operating_condition tt_3p3v_25c
set_opc_process tt_3p3v_25c {
{.lib "/home/master/Work/smic18inv/orig/models/ms018_lcos_v0p5_rev0.lib" tt}
add_opc_supplies tt_3p3v_25c VDD 3.3
add_opc_grounds tt_3p3v_25c GND 0.0
set_opc_temperature tt_3p3v_25c 25
define_parameters default {
# List of operating conditions as defined by create_operation_condition
set active_pvts { tt_3p3v_25c }
# If using IBIS, one operating condition must be specified in ibis_typ_pvt
# set ibis_typ_pvt tt_3p3v_25c
# set simulator finesim
# set simulator_cmd {finesim_spice -w <input_deck> -o <listing_file> >&/dev/null}
# set simulator finesim_embedded
set simulator hspice
set simulator_cmd {hspice <input_deck> -o <listing_file>}
# HSPICE (client/server mode)
# set simulator hspice_cs
# set simulator_cmd {hspice -CC <input_deck> -port <port_num> -o <listing_file>}
# set simulator spectre6
# set simulator_cmd {spectremdl -tab -batch <mdl_file> -design <input_deck> <listing_file> >&/dev/null}
# set simulator eldo
# set simulator_cmd {eldo -compat -i <input_deck> > <listing_file> >&/dev/null}
# set simulator msim
# (csh)
# set simulator_cmd {msim -hsp -i <input_deck> -o <listing_file> >&/dev/null}
# (sh)
# set simulator_cmd {msim -hsp -i <input_deck> -o <listing_file> 2>/dev/null}
# Default simulator options for Finesim, Hspice, Spectre, Msim, and Eldo
set simulator_options {
"common,finesim: finesim_mode=spicehd finesim_method=gear finesim_speed=0 finesim_dvmax=0.1"
"common,hspice: probe=1 runlvl=5 numdgt=7 measdgt=7 acct=1 nopage"
"common,spectre6: compression=yes step=10ps maxstep=1ns relref=allglobal"
"common,spectre6: method=trap lteratio=4 gmin=1e-18 autostop=0 save=none"
"common,msim: probe=1 accurate=1"
"common,eldo: gmindc=1n gmin=1p itl1=500 ingold=1 numdgt=4 measout=0 cptime=18000 relvar=0.01"
"op,eldo: dv=0.5 method=gear"
"tran,eldo: brief=0 relvar=0.001"
"optimize,eldo: lvltim=3 relvar=0.001"
"power,eldo: method=gear"
# Constraint settings:
# independent/dependent/dependent-setup/dependent-hold
set constraint_mode dependent
set smc_constraint_style relative-degradation
set smc_degrade 0.1
set path_constraint_mode off
# Simulation resolution
set time_res_high 1e-12
set time_res_low 100e-12
set nochange_variance [expr $time_res_high * 4.0]
set nochange_threshold 0.1
# Controls which supplies are measured for power consumption
set power_meas_supplies { VDD }
# list of ground supplies used (required for Functional Recognition)
set power_meas_grounds { GND }
set power_stabilization_threshold 0.05
set power_stabilization_threshold_absolute 1e-12
set model_negative_constraints true
set model_negative_delays true
set model_significant_digits 4
set model_ecsm_cin false
set liberty_cap_unit "1pf"
set Liberty_time_unit "1ns"
set liberty_increasing_delay_with_load off
set liberty_increasing_delay_with_slew off
set liberty_flavor "2008.09"
set liberty_max_capacitance 0
set liberty_max_transition 0
set liberty_leakage_power_unit "1mW"
set model_mpw_attribute false
# specifies which multi-rail format to be used in Liberty model; none, v1, or v2.
set liberty_multi_rail_format none
# job_scheduler: 'lsf' (Platform), 'grid' (SunGrid), or 'standalone' (local machine)
set job_scheduler standalone
set run_list_maxsize 1
set normal_queue "lsf_queue_name"
set scheduler_poll_time 10
pintype default {
set logic_high_name VDD
set logic_high_threshold 0.7
# set logic_high_name vout
# set logic_high_threshold 0.7
set logic_low_name GND
set logic_low_threshold 0.3
set prop_delay_level 0.5
set prop_delay_current 0.1
set driver_rise_time 10e-12
set driver_fall_time 10e-12
# Number of slew and load indices
# (when importing with -use_default_slews -use_default_loads)
set numsteps_slew 6
set numsteps_load 6
set constraint_numsteps_slew 3
# Operating load ranges
set smallest_load 1e-15
set largest_load 5.763e-13
# Operating slew ranges
set smallest_slew 20e-12
set largest_slew 3e-9
set max_tout 1.0e-9
# Automatically determine largest_load based on max_tout; off or on
set autorange_load off
# Noise of points in for noise height
set numsteps_height 8
# Input noise width.
set numsteps_width 5
# driver model: pwl, emulated, active, active-waveform, custom
set driver_mode pwl
# driver cell name (relevant only when driver_mode is "active")
set driver pwl
define_parameters liberty_model {
# Add Liberty header attributes here for use with "model -create_new_model"
set delay_model "table_lookup"
set default_fanout_load 1.0
set default_inout_pin_cap 9999
set default_input_pin_cap 9999
set default_output_pin_cap 0.0
set default_cell_leakage_power 0.0
set default_leakage_power_density 0.0
set slew_lower_threshold_pct_rise 30.0
set slew_lower_threshold_pct_fall 30.0
set slew_upper_threshold_pct_rise 70.0
set slew_upper_threshold_pct_fall 70.0
set input_threshold_pct_fall 50.0
set input_threshold_pct_rise 50.0
set output_threshold_pct_fall 50.0
set output_threshold_pct_rise 50.0
# See SiliconSmart User Guide Appendix B for a complete list of parameters and definitions
# Create one or more operation conditions here. Example:
create_operating_condition tt_3p3v_25c
set_opc_process tt_3p3v_25c {
{.lib "/home/master/Work/smic18inv/orig/models/ms018_lcos_v0p5_rev0.lib" tt}
add_opc_supplies tt_3p3v_25c VDD 3.3
add_opc_grounds tt_3p3v_25c GND 0.0
set_opc_temperature tt_3p3v_25c 25
define_parameters default {
# List of operating conditions as defined by create_operation_condition
set active_pvts { tt_3p3v_25c }
# If using IBIS, one operating condition must be specified in ibis_typ_pvt
# set ibis_typ_pvt tt_3p3v_25c
# set simulator finesim
# set simulator_cmd {finesim_spice -w <input_deck> -o <listing_file> >&/dev/null}
# set simulator finesim_embedded
set simulator hspice
set simulator_cmd {hspice <input_deck> -o <listing_file>}
# HSPICE (client/server mode)
# set simulator hspice_cs
# set simulator_cmd {hspice -CC <input_deck> -port <port_num> -o <listing_file>}
# set simulator spectre6
# set simulator_cmd {spectremdl -tab -batch <mdl_file> -design <input_deck> <listing_file> >&/dev/null}
# set simulator eldo
# set simulator_cmd {eldo -compat -i <input_deck> > <listing_file> >&/dev/null}
# set simulator msim
# (csh)
# set simulator_cmd {msim -hsp -i <input_deck> -o <listing_file> >&/dev/null}
# (sh)
# set simulator_cmd {msim -hsp -i <input_deck> -o <listing_file> 2>/dev/null}
# Default simulator options for Finesim, Hspice, Spectre, Msim, and Eldo
set simulator_options {
"common,finesim: finesim_mode=spicehd finesim_method=gear finesim_speed=0 finesim_dvmax=0.1"
"common,hspice: probe=1 runlvl=5 numdgt=7 measdgt=7 acct=1 nopage"
"common,spectre6: compression=yes step=10ps maxstep=1ns relref=allglobal"
"common,spectre6: method=trap lteratio=4 gmin=1e-18 autostop=0 save=none"
"common,msim: probe=1 accurate=1"
"common,eldo: gmindc=1n gmin=1p itl1=500 ingold=1 numdgt=4 measout=0 cptime=18000 relvar=0.01"
"op,eldo: dv=0.5 method=gear"
"tran,eldo: brief=0 relvar=0.001"
"optimize,eldo: lvltim=3 relvar=0.001"
"power,eldo: method=gear"
# Constraint settings:
# independent/dependent/dependent-setup/dependent-hold
set constraint_mode dependent
set smc_constraint_style relative-degradation
set smc_degrade 0.1
set path_constraint_mode off
# Simulation resolution
set time_res_high 1e-12
set time_res_low 100e-12
set nochange_variance [expr $time_res_high * 4.0]
set nochange_threshold 0.1
# Controls which supplies are measured for power consumption
set power_meas_supplies { VDD }
# list of ground supplies used (required for Functional Recognition)
set power_meas_grounds { GND }
set power_stabilization_threshold 0.05
set power_stabilization_threshold_absolute 1e-12
set model_negative_constraints true
set model_negative_delays true
set model_significant_digits 4
set model_ecsm_cin false
set liberty_cap_unit "1pf"
set Liberty_time_unit "1ns"
set liberty_increasing_delay_with_load off
set liberty_increasing_delay_with_slew off
set liberty_flavor "2008.09"
set liberty_max_capacitance 0
set liberty_max_transition 0
set liberty_leakage_power_unit "1mW"
set model_mpw_attribute false
# specifies which multi-rail format to be used in Liberty model; none, v1, or v2.
set liberty_multi_rail_format none
# job_scheduler: 'lsf' (Platform), 'grid' (SunGrid), or 'standalone' (local machine)
set job_scheduler standalone
set run_list_maxsize 1
set normal_queue "lsf_queue_name"
set scheduler_poll_time 10
pintype default {
set logic_high_name VDD
set logic_high_threshold 0.7
# set logic_high_name vout
# set logic_high_threshold 0.7
set logic_low_name GND
set logic_low_threshold 0.3
set prop_delay_level 0.5
set prop_delay_current 0.1
set driver_rise_time 10e-12
set driver_fall_time 10e-12
# Number of slew and load indices
# (when importing with -use_default_slews -use_default_loads)
set numsteps_slew 6
set numsteps_load 6
set constraint_numsteps_slew 3
# Operating load ranges
set smallest_load 1e-15
set largest_load 5.763e-13
# Operating slew ranges
set smallest_slew 20e-12
set largest_slew 3e-9
set max_tout 1.0e-9
# Automatically determine largest_load based on max_tout; off or on
set autorange_load off
# Noise of points in for noise height
set numsteps_height 8
# Input noise width.
set numsteps_width 5
# driver model: pwl, emulated, active, active-waveform, custom
set driver_mode pwl
# driver cell name (relevant only when driver_mode is "active")
set driver pwl
define_parameters liberty_model {
# Add Liberty header attributes here for use with "model -create_new_model"
set delay_model "table_lookup"
set default_fanout_load 1.0
set default_inout_pin_cap 9999
set default_input_pin_cap 9999
set default_output_pin_cap 0.0
set default_cell_leakage_power 0.0
set default_leakage_power_density 0.0
set slew_lower_threshold_pct_rise 30.0
set slew_lower_threshold_pct_fall 30.0
set slew_upper_threshold_pct_rise 70.0
set slew_upper_threshold_pct_fall 70.0
set input_threshold_pct_fall 50.0
set input_threshold_pct_rise 50.0
set output_threshold_pct_fall 50.0
set output_threshold_pct_rise 50.0
/* Liberty models generated by SiliconSmart N-2017.12-SP2 build date: Jun 01, 2018 10:40:28. (SMSC-2) */
/* Siliconsmart Path: /export/SoftWare/Synopsys/siliconsmart/N-2017.12-SP2/linux64/bin/siliconsmart */
/* Host Name: icpc, User Name: master, PID: 13639 */
/* Directory: /home/master/Work/smic18inv */
/* */
/* File generated on Sun Dec 18 12:01:49 CST 2022. (SMSC-3) */
library(tt_3p3v_25c) {
delay_model : table_lookup ;
library_features(report_delay_calculation, report_power_calculation);
time_unit : 1ns ;
voltage_unit : 1V ;
current_unit : 1mA ;
capacitive_load_unit(1, pf);
pulling_resistance_unit : 1ohm ;
leakage_power_unit : 1mW ;
input_threshold_pct_fall : 50 ;
input_threshold_pct_rise : 50 ;
output_threshold_pct_fall : 50 ;
output_threshold_pct_rise : 50 ;
slew_derate_from_library : 1 ;
slew_lower_threshold_pct_fall : 30 ;
slew_lower_threshold_pct_rise : 30 ;
slew_upper_threshold_pct_fall : 70 ;
slew_upper_threshold_pct_rise : 70 ;
nom_process : 1 ;
nom_temperature : 25 ;
nom_voltage : 3.3 ;
default_cell_leakage_power : 0 ;
default_fanout_load : 1 ;
default_inout_pin_cap : 9999 ;
default_input_pin_cap : 9999 ;
default_leakage_power_density : 0 ;
default_output_pin_cap : 0 ;
operating_conditions(tt_3p3v_25c) {
process : 1 ;
temperature : 25 ;
voltage : 3.3 ;
input_voltage(default) {
vil : 0 ;
vih : 3.3 ;
vimin : 0 ;
vimax : 3.3 ;
output_voltage(default) {
vol : 0 ;
voh : 3.3 ;
vomin : 0 ;
vomax : 3.3 ;
lu_table_template(ndw_ntin_nvolt_6x2) {
variable_1 : input_net_transition ;
variable_2 : normalized_voltage ;
index_1("1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6");
index_2("1, 2");
lu_table_template(tmg_ntin_oload_6x6) {
variable_1 : input_net_transition ;
variable_2 : total_output_net_capacitance ;
index_1("1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6");
index_2("1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6");
power_lut_template(pwr_tin_oload_6x6) {
variable_1 : input_transition_time ;
variable_2 : total_output_net_capacitance ;
index_1("1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6");
index_2("1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6");
normalized_driver_waveform(ndw_ntin_nvolt_6x2) {
driver_waveform_name : "driver_waveform_default_fall" ;
index_1("0.02, 0.1021, 0.3902, 0.9403, 1.797, 3");
index_2("0, 1");
values("0, 0.05",\
"0, 0.2552",\
"0, 0.9754",\
"0, 2.351",\
"0, 4.493",\
"0, 7.5");
normalized_driver_waveform(ndw_ntin_nvolt_6x2) {
index_1("0.02, 0.1021, 0.3902, 0.9403, 1.797, 3");
index_2("0, 1");
values("0, 0.05",\
"0, 0.2552",\
"0, 0.9754",\
"0, 2.351",\
"0, 4.493",\
"0, 7.5");
normalized_driver_waveform(ndw_ntin_nvolt_6x2) {
driver_waveform_name : "driver_waveform_default_rise" ;
index_1("0.02, 0.1021, 0.3902, 0.9403, 1.797, 3");
index_2("0, 1");
values("0, 0.05",\
"0, 0.2552",\
"0, 0.9754",\
"0, 2.351",\
"0, 4.493",\
"0, 7.5");
cell(test_std_cell_inv) {
cell_leakage_power : 1.999e-05 ;
pin(Vin) {
capacitance : 0.01719 ;
direction : input ;
driver_waveform_rise : "driver_waveform_default_rise" ;
driver_waveform_fall : "driver_waveform_default_fall" ;
input_voltage : default ;
pin(Vout) {
direction : output ;
function : "(!Vin)" ;
min_capacitance : 0.001 ;
output_voltage : default ;
internal_power() {
related_pin : "Vin" ;
fall_power(pwr_tin_oload_6x6) {
index_1("0.02, 0.1021, 0.3902, 0.9403, 1.797, 3");
index_2("0.001, 0.01684, 0.07246, 0.1787, 0.3441, 0.5763");
values("-0.05146, 0.01897, -0.03637, -0.03105, -0.03326, -0.0346",\
"-0.04478, -0.03946, -0.0367, -0.03591, -0.03522, -0.03511",\
"-0.01487, -0.02017, -0.02676, -0.03026, -0.03108, -0.03288",\
"0.05642, 0.03629, 0.01238, -0.003069, -0.0132, -0.02017",\
"0.1708, 0.1417, 0.09344, 0.05786, 0.0327, 0.01608",\
"0.3339, 0.2975, 0.2271, 0.1658, 0.1195, 0.08601");
rise_power(pwr_tin_oload_6x6) {
index_1("0.02, 0.1021, 0.3902, 0.9403, 1.797, 3");
index_2("0.001, 0.01684, 0.07246, 0.1787, 0.3441, 0.5763");
values("0.1024, 0.1631, 0.1389, 0.14, 0.1441, 0.2",\
"0.1073, 0.1143, 0.1297, 0.1371, 0.1393, 0.1956",\
"0.143, 0.1368, 0.1318, 0.1329, 0.1387, 0.2014",\
"0.217, 0.2049, 0.1795, 0.1636, 0.1544, 0.2216",\
"0.333, 0.3146, 0.2786, 0.2406, 0.2112, 0.2833",\
"0.4969, 0.4739, 0.4275, 0.3707, 0.3196, 0.4108");
timing() {
related_pin : "Vin" ;
timing_sense : negative_unate ;
timing_type : combinational ;
cell_fall(tmg_ntin_oload_6x6) {
index_1("0.02, 0.1021, 0.3902, 0.9403, 1.797, 3");
index_2("0.001, 0.01684, 0.07246, 0.1787, 0.3441, 0.5763");
values("0.05316, 0.1278, 0.3543, 0.7828, 1.446, 2.384",\
"0.05924, 0.1473, 0.3727, 0.8013, 1.471, 2.405",\
"-0.01342, 0.1473, 0.4503, 0.8819, 1.549, 2.483",\
"-0.1942, 0.04396, 0.4847, 1.022, 1.702, 2.635",\
"-0.4994, -0.1872, 0.4063, 1.108, 1.913, 2.879",\
"-0.9428, -0.5576, 0.1853, 1.074, 2.059, 3.158");
cell_rise(tmg_ntin_oload_6x6) {
index_1("0.02, 0.1021, 0.3902, 0.9403, 1.797, 3");
index_2("0.001, 0.01684, 0.07246, 0.1787, 0.3441, 0.5763");
values("0.1148, 0.3877, 1.151, 2.568, 4.768, 7.874",\
"0.1582, 0.3835, 1.161, 2.588, 4.786, 7.885",\
"0.3087, 0.5512, 1.278, 2.69, 4.9, 7.981",\
"0.5728, 0.8771, 1.604, 2.973, 5.147, 8.223",\
"0.9636, 1.344, 2.163, 3.494, 5.611, 8.638",\
"1.492, 1.958, 2.892, 4.27, 6.345, 9.326");
fall_transition(tmg_ntin_oload_6x6) {
index_1("0.02, 0.1021, 0.3902, 0.9403, 1.797, 3");
index_2("0.001, 0.01684, 0.07246, 0.1787, 0.3441, 0.5763");
values("0.01839, 0.07828, 0.2896, 0.6914, 1.316, 2.193",\
"0.02623, 0.08043, 0.2896, 0.6898, 1.314, 2.192",\
"0.05379, 0.1328, 0.3134, 0.6911, 1.315, 2.189",\
"0.1037, 0.2199, 0.4203, 0.7518, 1.319, 2.193",\
"0.1709, 0.3391, 0.5861, 0.9251, 1.44, 2.212",\
"0.2551, 0.4819, 0.7956, 1.168, 1.671, 2.397");
rise_transition(tmg_ntin_oload_6x6) {
index_1("0.02, 0.1021, 0.3902, 0.9403, 1.797, 3");
index_2("0.001, 0.01684, 0.07246, 0.1787, 0.3441, 0.5763");
values("0.05818, 0.254, 0.9432, 2.258, 4.319, 7.197",\
"0.05832, 0.2543, 0.9425, 2.257, 4.31, 7.199",\
"0.08753, 0.2609, 0.9453, 2.258, 4.306, 7.193",\
"0.119, 0.3222, 0.9439, 2.257, 4.31, 7.173",\
"0.1634, 0.3886, 1, 2.258, 4.306, 7.18",\
"0.2152, 0.4817, 1.124, 2.293, 4.32, 7.178");